India is celebrating it’s 72nd Independence Day today. After being Independent for so many years, there still are some changes we (India) need to become a better Nation than we are now. Chandigarh personalities and residents are sharing their views on the same and also wishing our readers a very Happy Independence Day.
Let’s have a look what Chandigarhians have to say:
“I am pleased that 15th August is celebrated with pomp & gaiety & has not lost its charm over the years! It is like an annual reminder of the sacrifice made by our brave heroes & their families in achieving & maintaining the freedom we enjoy today! Apart from the bonus holiday or watching all T.V channels with their logos tinted in tri-colour, the day empowers us as a Nation. It is undeniable that we want to grow without thinking about the growth of the country. If we want a better nation, we need to stop attaching too much importance to our individual freedom. True freedom is to enjoy; but is to accept responsibility too. Let us make whatever small efforts we can make in our own capacity & capability to become a responsible stakeholder of resurgent India.

India is on the verge of transformation! I feel positive, each day.”
-Isha Kakaria, Founder President, NGO Tammana
Today Trailing the colours of the National Flag —-Orange ,White and Green Let us stand together for Unity, Prosperity and Peace. Feel proud to be Indian. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! We should all work together to take our country to the heights it deserve.
-Lalit Bajaj, President, CMA
Democracy gives us various rights, assigns us several duties, but it all starts from the sense of freedom. The particular sense has all the potential to make the surroundings beautiful. Love tricolour, adore the nation, live life freely, nurture the ethics and make this country the most alluring place to live. I start it from making myself free from the clots within, I am sure, u will do it your way. A very Happy independence.
-Puneet Kaur, Journalist
To be a better nation, we need to invest in the new generation as they are going to be the future, they are going to represent the better nation that we dream of. Providing them with the opportunities to grow mentally, emotionally and physically, that is the least we can do. Children today are powerhouse of energy, it is time to channelize that energy to do something fruitful and worthy for their own good, for the society and for the world as a whole. To build a better nation, we need to provide these children with a conducive and healthy environment to learn, to innovate and grow up to be noble citizens. It is not something which can be achieved overnight; and to bring up a generation of responsible citizens, we need consistent efforts in this direction. Let each one of us work towards bringing this change and make this wish a reality!
-Prabhjeet Singh, Chandigarh

We are proud to be citizens of great Bharat and together celebrating our 72nd Independence Day. Today, India is one of the strongest country in the world. India has achieved remarkable place in the world. But still we need to the number 1 country in the world and that can happen only by our Unity. Together we Indians can achieve anything and beat any country of the world.
-Rup Singh Azad, Retired Government Employee
The day I was born in India, India was born in me. I can feel it throbbing through my veins, when I am happy. And running in my guts, when I am angry. I am India, India is me. Being a happy, proud Indian doesn’t mean that I don’t/can’t see any flaws in my country. There are several reasons for sadness, depression, anxiety and negativity. And we can overcome all these by baby steps, small changes, daily dose of responsibility and transparency.
So, instead of cribbing about the problems, it would be better to change our habits. Make it a habit to save water and electricity every time, whenever we can. We know that illiteracy is the root of many superstitions and crimes. But the good news is that most of us are fortunate enough to attend our schools and colleges. Each one of us has so much to share. Then come on pass on the knowledge. We owe our freedom, our democracy, our festivals to those who are guarding our frontiers. Respect our soldiers, always. Every action matters, and we have to make small efforts or nothing would ever change.
– Kriti Thakur, Chandigarh