
29 August 2018


Gian Jyoti Global School organized a cleanliness drive under Swachh Bharat, Swachh Vidyalya campaign at its campus in Phase-2, Mohali. On the occasion a special assembly was also organized in which students shared their views on the consequences of dirty environment, What can we do to avoid the diseases and the origin and objective of this movement.

Students and staff members took pledge during the assembly to save their mother land by keeping it green and clean.

Mrs. Ranjeet Bedi, Principal, Gian Jyoti Global School appreciated the efforts of GianJyotians and teacher for organizing cleanliness drive. She also reminded students about their responsibility towards Mother Earth. She along with the teachers performed pledge to protect and save our fast depleting natural resources. The event concluded with the National Anthem. Everybody believed that the students would respect their natural inheritance and be good caretaker of their planet in the time to come.

The main aim of this activity was to sensitize the students about saving their mother earth & to keep it clean. To build a better future. We all must commit to protect our environment around us, Mrs. Bedi added.


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