22 July 2023

“For the patients of brain stroke, a new ray of hope has emerged after the advanced Neuro-interventional treatment such as Mechanical Thrombectomy, which can help save patients even after 24 hours of suffering a stroke”, said Dr Prof Vivek Gupta, Additional Director of Interventional Neuroradiology, Fortis Hospital, Mohali.
Brain stroke is a predominant factor for long-term disability and even death. The life-threatening medical condition occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off, leading to irreversible damage of the brain cells. Mechanical Thrombectomy is a minimally-invasive procedure wherein an interventional radiologist uses specialised equipment to remove a clot from a patient’s artery.
A team of doctors headed by Dr Prof Gupta recently treated an 87-year-old patient from Chandigarh through Mechanical Thrombectomy, even when the patient reached Fortis Mohali 10 hours after suffering a brain stroke.
“Upon examination, the patient’s right side was paralyzed and blood supply to the right side of the brain was blocked. Mechanical Thrombectomy was performed to remove the clot from his artery. The patient was discharged four days after the surgery”, the doctor said.
On Fortis Hospital, Mohali, being a stroke-ready hospital, Dr Prof Gupta, said, “Fortis Hospital Mohali is a Stroke-ready Hospital and equipped with an expert team of doctors comprising of expert neurologists, interventional neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons and anesthetists that provide 24×7 stroke treatment such as thrombolysis or mechanical thrombectomy. The hospital provides all services related to stroke diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, all under one roof. Fortis Mohali has also set up a dedicated Stroke Helpline – 9815396700 – for acute stroke patients.”
Stressing on adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent stroke, Dr Prof Gupta, said, “Physical activity and regular exercise, keeping a tab on cholesterol and blood sugar levels, regulating blood pressure and following a healthy lifestyle can help prevent a stroke. A sedentary lifestyle leads to various diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and even stroke. Brisk walking for at least 20-30 minutes every day or cycling will not only help you keep fit, but keep several diseases at bay.”