22 November 2019

‘Safai Karamcharis’ who have been employed based on death case of their fathers, by Muncipal Corporation, Chandigarh, through the agency- Asmi Industries, the company which has been given a contract to employ safai karamcharis by MC Chandigarh, are up in arms against the MC. It is pertinent to mention here that as many as 115 such people were employed on compassionate grounds by the MCC through Asmi Industries. While 31 of these have been given proper assignments with MC, 84 such people are still facing an uncertain future.
This was informed by Sandeep Kumar son of an ex employee (safai karamchari) with MC Chandigarh after a meeting of the aggrieved workers regarding the issue. Now Sandeep is working at Asmi Industries, after the death of his father. But instead of safai karamchari he has been designated as helper and is forced to do different works instead of his actual work of sweeping.
Sandeep Kumar said, “We always thought that we had been recruited as safai karamcharis however we have recently found out that our appointment is as helpers. As helpers we can be called to do any kind of duty – like working at horticulture department or even sent to clean underground sewerage etc. This scope of work is not part of a safai karamchari’s assignment, who are given the task of sweeping. We have been befooled by the MCC.”
Added Sandeep, “We are not being given salary on time. There is a delay of 2 months in salary and all of us are in debt, but no action is being taken in this regard by MC which should take Asmi Industries to task to resolve this matter.”
The workers said that the people who put in so much effort to keep the city clean are being given a step motherly treatment. All of these people have been given jobs on grounds of death of their father and still they are being ill treated.
“No one is listening to us and we have decided to meet senior BJP leader Satyapal Jain. We had met many councillors who promised to raise the issue in the house but have failed to do so.” Summed up Sandeep Kumar.