5 December 2024

PHD chamber of commerce and industry with the support of District Red Cross Society will provide Wheelchair facility for the convenience of disabled and aged visitors during the Punjab International Trade Expo (PITEX) which began on Thursday at Ranjit Avenue. While visiting PITEX Amritsar Deputy Commissioner Sakshi Sawney I.A.S. appreciated the Red Cross Society and PITEX organizers, for providing the facility to the disabled people. This Facility make easier to navigate the event for disabled and aged visitors.
On this occasion, Naveen Seth, Deputy Secretary General PHD Chamber of Commerce & industry, said that seven wheelchairs are available, which are stationed at Gate Number 3 of the venue. The wheelchairs are provided for the disabled and elderly visitors. Volunteers from the Red Cross are available there to assist or help disable and elderly visitors. On this occasion, Manavpreet Singh, General Manager DIC, Bharti Sood Regional Director of PHDCCI, and several other dignitaries are present.