
21 February 2019


In response to the call by the Punjab Federation of University and College Teachers Organizations (PFUCTO) teachers of GNDU, PAU, PUNJABI UNIV, GADVASU, govt. and non-govt. colleges of Punjab proceeded on mass casual leave and joined the teachers of PU and non-govt. colleges of Chandigarh for a rally at PU.

PFUCTO is demanding the immediate implementation of revised UGC Pay Scales under the Seventh Central Pay Commission for which the Government of India will meet 50% of the additional financial liability up to March 2019, immediate release of additional funds to ensure timely release of salary to the staff of Punjabi University and 136 aided colleges, regularization of teachers appointed against 1925 posts in aided colleges who have completed three years of service and are entitled for regularization, payment of full salary to those appointed on probation instead of consolidated Rs 15600, filling up vacancies in university and colleges on regular basis.

Welcoming the teachers to the Panjab University Campus, Prof. Rajesh Gill, President PUTA, demanded that the revised UGC pay scales should be implemented without any further delay. She pointed out that teachers of Haryana and so many other states are already drawing salary in the revised pay scales.

 Dr. B.S. Tohra, President, Govt. College Teachers Association (Punjab) highlighted the pitiable condition of Govt. Colleges in the absence of regular teachers. The regular teachers’ strength of Government colleges of Punjab is down to 510 against cadre strength of 1873. He criticized the government for paying a meager salary to contractual and Guest Faculty teachers.

Dr. Brahm Ved Sharma, President, PCCTU demanded the immediate release of the pending salary of aided colleges of Punjab. Dr. Sukhdev Singh Randhawa , General Secretary, PCCTU FLAYED THE Punjab Govt. for uncalled for delay in regularizing teahers appointed against 1925 posts and who have completed three years of service as required by the cabinet decision of 2014.

Dr Jagwant Singh, General Secretary, PFUCTO, stated that almost all major states have implemented the new UGC pay scales and the neighbouring state of Haryana has even released the arrears with effect from 1.1.2016. He criticized the Punjab Govt. for contractual appointments and appointments on consolidated salary of Rs. 15600 during probation in complete violations of UGC regulations and its statutory obligations.

Dr H.S. Kingra, President, (PAUTA) said that the delay in the implementation of the scales can have serious implications for PAU, where large number of teachers are working under ICAR schemes whose funds will lapse on 31 March 2019. Dr. Devinder Singh, President, GNDUTA, & Dr. Lakhwinder Singh, Secretary, GNDUTA highlighted the plight of teachers working on a meager salary of Rs. 15600. Dr Gurjant Singh, Secretary, GCTA, Dr D.K. Sharma, Secretary, PAUTA, Dr Bhupinder Singh, Secretary, PCCTU, Dr J.K. Goswami, Secretary PUTA also addressed the rally.


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