Regulating Lines an Exhibition of Contemporary Photographs



1 January 2019


Punjab Lalit Kala AKademi is organising an Exhibition of Contemporary Photographs by Abhishek Sharma, at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi Gallery, Punjab Kala Bhawan, Sector 16 B, Chandigarh which is opening on 3rd January 2019 at 5.15 pm.

Through this exhibition the Akademi seeks to expose the art lovers of Punjab and Chandigarh to the shifting focus of the photography from the mundane to a highly conceptualized world of images and concerns. The artist’s effort to expand the scope by pushing the boundaries of the medium is a compelling viewing for those who love to explore the possibilities in any given area of human concerns.

Abhishek Sharma did his MFA Photography from New York. His work encompasses photography, video sculpture, art applications, and installation. He was most recently featured in exhibitions at the Pingyao International Photography Festival, La Marcha de Mayo Art Fund Show, Photo-Ville, and various group exhibitions in Auckland, New Zealand. Abhishek Sharma is currently based in Chandigarh, India.

To provide a platform to artists for showcasing their artworks the Akademi had given an open call to artists between the age group of 25 and 50 to apply for solo shows at its gallery in Chandigarh. Abhishek Sharma is one of the six artists selected under this scheme.

His work tends to investigate the photographic medium as a time capturing device.

In series of his work he interrogates photography’s role as a medium used to capture reality. By juxtaposing images of disparate cultural identities and origins.

He tends to call the viewers attention to their role as interpreter, to ever shifting meaning of images.

This Project ‘Regulating Lines’ spans from collecting and archiving paper to probe its resemblance to structures, places and the digital realm.

“By enlarging patterns of airmail envelopes, overlaying them to create distortions between different patterns

I sought to further deconstruct the physical documentation into a digital and fictional realm”.

“Citing works such as Crying Lot of 49, my  thesis work is centered on notions of society, control of information and laws of thermodynamics. “

Apart from the opening on 3rd January 2019 at 5.15 pm the exhibition will remain open from 4th to 7st January 2019 daily between 11.00 am and 7.00 pm at the Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi Gallery, Punjab Kala Bhawan, Sector 16 B, Chandigarh.