Paree announces a landmark ‘Period Leave’ policy for its women workforce

World Wisdom News
27 May 2020
Paree, a young Indian homegrown sanitary napkin brand has been championing the cause of menstrual hygiene by positioning sanitary pads as essential and to make them accessible to as many women as possible especially those who need it the most. Through its #SheFirst #PadsAreEssential campaign, Paree started a dialogue around how women are the backbone of our society yet their needs tend to take a backseat.It encouraged women to put their needs and hygiene First.The Company strongly believes that it is time that every woman starts prioritizing her needs and begins to focus on her menstrual health and hygiene, without guilt, without shame.
Taking this conversation further and in keeping with the brand’s commitment towards #SheFirst, on the occasion ofWorld Menstrual Hygiene Day, Paree, in a first-ever Human Resource landmark, announces Period Leave forall its female employees.
Paree’s #SheFirst #PadsAreEssential campaign was about her home while this leg extends to the workplace. Office is where she spends most of her time.With this announcement, Paree addresses the issue of emotional and physical discomfort that often accompanies menstruation.The brand has always been vocal about real issues that women face during their periods, be it Heavy Flow and now Cramps and PMS with this.
Almost 40% of Paree employees are women with women making 80% of the corporate staff and will benefit from this policy, as this one day of Period Leave per month will allow women to take it a little easy if they are having a rough period, and only if they choose to do so. This is not a mandatory leave and the choice to avail it or not is completely upto the employee. Moreover, this policy is not just limited to corporate office staff but is also extended to female staff working in all other verticals & units. The managerial and corporate staff can avail work from home whereas it is a paid leave for factory and on ground sales staff.
To make the announcement of period leave come alive, Paree created a video titled “Keep It Real #PareePeriodLeave” capturing different reactions of their employees.
This move is also a progressive step towards keeping it real when it comes to period related issues like the physical or emotional discomfort that a woman might experience during her periods and how the corporate sector can band together to make-workplaces more conducive for their women employees. Interventions like period leaves, sanitary pad dispensers and menstrual hygiene medical kits at the workplace are steps in the right direction. Menstrual discomfort and hygiene are real issues and it is time that we start acknowledging it.
Sahil Dharia – CEO & Founder, Paree, proudly spoke, “I advocate Period Leave for our female workforce, those who want to avail of it, that is. It is a choice that we as an organization will accord to our women employees. Women are the nucleus of our socio-economic environment – and their mental and physical health should be an absolute priority. The Period Leave is a call to action for Paree, as an organization, in order to initiate a change in thinking across industries and sectors. We want to platform the larger, unspoken issue of menstrual health and hygiene of women at work and how we as a society need to start taking cognizance of it and start adopting measures to help our women workforce navigate it with ease.”