12 August 2017

An orientation programme for NSS volunteers of PG Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh was organised today. It is a matter of pride that the college has 8 units of NSS comprising 800 volunteers which is the highest number among colleges in Chandigarh. These volunteers work tirelessly throughout the year in pursuance of the NSS motto “NOT ME BUT
Volunteers are involved in on-campus and off-campus activities throughout the year. The college has adopted village Khuda Jassu for carrying out community services. Citizen centric activities on socially relevant issues like, drug de-addiction, sanitation and hygiene, women empowerment, health care and environmental conservation etc. are organised periodically. Volunteers sensitize the residents and generate awareness through nuked-nataks, rallies and interactions. NSS Coordinators of the college Ms Jamit Kaur and Dr. Manoj Kumar informed the students regarding the future prospects of NSS in academics and jobs.
Apprising the volunteers about the objectives of NSS, Principal Prof. Anita Kaushal highlighted that it is an initiative towards personality development through community service. She motivated the students to be ambassadors of social transformation and contribute their best in serving the society. She encouraged them to use their knowledge and experience in finding practical solutions to the problems faced by the people.