25 January 2018

National Voters’ Day was celebrated by the staff and students of Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh today. Prof. Anita Kaushal, Principal of the college encouraged the students to exercise their voting right wisely to strengthen the democratic fabric of the nation. This is a moral obligation and as architects of the country and its future, it is their judicious choice that would structure a capable, competent and conscious government, she stressed. She also encouraged them to motivate others in the society to cast their vote instead of enjoying the election day as a holiday.
On this occasion a quiz was also conducted. The questions tested the knowledge of the students regarding fundamentals of elections, voting and voters. Dr. Madhu Gupta, Nodal Officer, Electoral Literacy Club of the college introduced the students about the guidelines for getting enrolled as a voter. She gave a detailed account of the method of filling Form No.-6 and the documents to be attached therewith. Forms were also distributed to new voters. Faculty members and students took a pledge to cast their vote fearlessly, in a free and fair manner, and without any influence of religion, caste, community and language etc. in the larger interest of the country and for upholding the democratic traditions.