9 May 2017

A One-day Hands on Training Workshop on“Government e-market (GeM)” was organised in P. G. Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh today. The Workshop was organised under the aegis of RUSA. More than 100 delegates from 12 city colleges participated in the workshop.
Mr. JitenderYadav, IAS, Director Higher Education UT Chandigarh and State Project Director, RUSA was the chief guest on the occasion.Welcoming the guests, speakers and delegates, Prof. Anita Kaushal, Principal of the college extolled the commitment of central government to curb corruption. She lauded the initiative of the Chandigarh administration that aims in transforming the public procurement system by leveraging technology through online purchases and e-tendering.
In Presidential remarks, Mr. Jitender Yadav asserted that Government e-market (GeM) would ensure transparency, would maximise ease of doing business and will enhance efficiency in the process of public procurement. He congratulated the institution for taking lead in organising such a participative workshop and proving hands on training to the delegates.
Mr.Ashwani Dogra, DCFA, Chandigarh Administration highlighted that GeM is a one stop on line public procurement system that will facilitate the government users to achieve the best value for money. He further revealed that DGS&D is taking appropriate steps for smooth execution of public purchase and swift payment to the suppliers.
Mr. Atul Verma , Finance Consultant, Department of Finance, Chandigarh Administration described the steps involved in enrolment and discussed in detail the process of public procurement through GeM. He also demonstrated the procedures and precautions to be taken in the process of public procurement.
Prof. Pardeep Singh Walia, RUSA Nodal officer of the college proposed a vote of thanks.