4 March 2018

Punjab Unaided Colleges Association (PUCA) urged Punjab government to issue necessary instructions to all affiliating universities including IKG-PTU, Jalandhar; MRS-PTU, Bathinda etc not to ask any type of charges/fees from Unaided Colleges.
Dr. Anshu Kataria, President, PUCA said that Colleges are running pillar to post for getting Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) funds released. Over 1700 crore for last 3 years of SC students is pending towards Govt. Around 325 Crore is due for 2015-16; 715 Crore for 2016-17 and over 600 crore has got due for 2017-18 year.
Sh. Amit Sharma, Senior Vice President, PUCA and S. Gurfateh Singh Gill, Vice President said that the Affiliating Universities use to charge Affiliation fees, Registration fees, Examination fees or other Student Related Funds (SRF) from the Colleges but colleges are facing huge financial crisis due which they are not able to make such charges to the affiliating universities.
- Gurpreet Singh, General Secretary, PUCA said that on the one hand more than 3 lakh students haven’t been reimbursed Post Matric Scholarship on the other hand Punjab Technical University(PTU) Bathinda & Jalandhar & PSBTEIT are affiliation fees from the colleges. “How can a college pay to the University/Board from its own pocket when neither the student nor the Punjab Government has paid fees to the College?”