10 August 2018
Kulbir singh kalsi

An ICSSR sponsored Seminar was organized by Department of Pediatrics, on “Sensitization Regarding Prevention of Birth Defects and Disability on 10th August, 2018 at Advanced Eye Centre from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM.Dr.Inusha Panigrahi, Professor, Department Of Pediatrics, PGIMER were Convener and Dr.Alka, Research Scholar (CPH, Panjab University) was Co-convener to this Seminar. Dr. Amarjeet Singh from SPH,and Dr Surjit Singh were Chairpersons for the seminar.
Birth defects put a significant burden on society. Persons with birth defects have some special needs. These persons have the same rights as persons with any other kind of disability. Families of children with special needs may experience a myriad of emotions upon diagnosis, including anger, grief, loss, and denial. It is important to remember to be patient with yourself, as these emotions are a natural part of the process. With time comes acceptance, and then you and your family can focus on beginning the process of helping your child with special needs achieve their fullest potential.
The aim of the seminar was to create awareness regarding birth defects and disability act and its provision among various stakeholders.Mr. SP Yadav, Punjab and Haryana High court discussed,RPWD act and its effective provisions, Dr.Kuldeep Singh, Professor, AIIMS, Jodhpur gave his expert opinion on evaluation and investigation for birth defects/disabilities, Dr. Inusha Panigrahi , Professor, Department of Pediatrics, PGIMER told about importance of early neonatal screening of birth defect.Various other eminent speakers Dr. Seema Thakur, Fortis, New Delhi, Dr. Pradeep Sarkar, Senior Physiotherapist PGIMER, Chandigarh,Dr.Anupriya, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, PGIMER, shared their experiences in this regard.Around 105 participants from various universities and colleges attended the seminar.These institutes/colleges included Centre for Public Health, Panjab University, Chitkara University, Central University, Bhatinda; School of Public Health, and NINE, PGIMER, RayatBahara Nursing College, Sadhna Society NGO, Chandigarh and LuxmiBai Dental College, Patiala. All participated in the seminar and had an interactive discussion.
This seminar is another milestone in creating awareness amongst various physicians and other stakeholders for improving the care of persons with disability (PWD) and in prevention of malformations and various birth defects.