22 November 2018

A NAAC-sponsored National Seminar on ‘CATERING TO THE GLOBAL LEARNER: QUALITY ENHANCEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION’ was organized by the Post Graduate Department of English of Guru Gobind Singh College for Women, Sector-26, Chandigarh, in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell on November 22, 2018 in Mata Ganga Auditorium.
The occasion was graced by Er. S. S. Virdi, Chief Engineer (Retd.) and Col. (Retd.) Jasmer Singh Bala, Secretary, Sikh Educational Society. The key note address was delivered by Professor Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar, the inaugural address was delivered by Professor Vijay Kumar Shrotryia, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi and a special address was delivered by Professor Paramjit Kaur Tulsi, Department of Education, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh.
Various papers on the quality enhancement of higher education were presented. A Panel Discussion was held on ‘Best Practices in Higher Education Institutes’. The panelists included Dr Jayanti Dutta, Deputy Director, HRDC, PU, Chandigarh, Dr Amol Bhondekar, Principal Scientist, Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chandigarh and Ms. Prerna Kalra, CEO, Open Hand Solutions, People Management Experts.