5 August 2017

Newly formed exective committee of Laghu Udyog Bharati Chandigarh for the year 2017-19 met yesterday.
It was decided to pursue the conversion of leasehold to freehold of industrial plots vigorously.
We are appealing to the administration that the policy of conversion of residential plots may be extended to conversion of leasehold industrial plots.
We have a considerate view that the Midwest changes should be allowed in which the temporary coverage and internal changes made within the framework of the building should not be treated as violation.
The unanimous view of the members was that the earlier fine of rupees 10 for the violation should be restored as a sign of rupees 500 was Darconeon.
It was also decided that all the applications of rating in Chandigarh will be Pursuit 2 have consensus on the above common problems.
Meeting concluded with a vote of thanks.
Laghu Udyog Bharati Chandigarh
President : Yudhvir Khura
Sr. Vice President : Rakesh Aggarwal
Spokesperson : Om Aggarwal
Secy. : Ajay Kansal