18 August 2019

Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) launched Ladakh Think Tank Forum at its campus Devachan located in Choglamsar, Leh. The initiative has been taken by world renowned Buddhist Guru, Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Founder President of MIMC and Save the Himalayas Foundation.
“The Forum comprises of experts, politicians, scholars, religious leaders, media persons, retired officers and social activists. The Forum is formed to formulate strategies and initiatives that will make Ladakh a positive role model in the fast-growing, modern world,” said Narvijay Yadav, General Secretary (Chandigarh Chapter), Save the Himalayas Foundation.
The Forum will organize occasional meetings in Ladakh, Delhi, Chandigarh and other areas of India and abroad by involving experts from different fields to prepare a road map for future Ladakh.
Speaking on the occasion, Sanghasena said, “A lot of debate exists on social media causing panic among public, hence we came up with the idea of creating this body, so that together we can build Ladakh physically strong, mentally brilliant, culturally rich, morally lofty, spiritually enlightening, socially congenial, materially prosperous, globally friendly, environmentally pure and religiously peaceful.”
MLC Chering Dorje said that with the announcement of UT, it was a much needed platform to prepare a road map for future Ladakh by involving all stakeholders. Ladakh needs to think about outsider investors as per local requirements. The Hill Council can monitor only Government land and therefore all individuals have to think about safety of their own land.
Prominent among those present at the programme, included Ambassador P Stobdan, Hill Council former Chief Executive Councillor, Rigzin Spalbar, Ex-MLA Tsering Samphel, Anjuman Moin-Ul-Islam President Dr Abdul Qayoom, scholar Thupstan Paldan, Nawang Tsering Shakspo, Ex-EC Mohd Shafi Lassu, Sonam Wangchuk Shakspo and Morup Namgyal.