6 November 2018

I.S. Dev Samaj Senior Secondary School, Sector 21C, here organised ‘Harit Diwali –Swasth Diwali’ campaign to encourage citizens to minimize cracker burning and celebrate Diwali in an environmental friendly manner.
A number of activities were organised in the school with a large number of participants.
School students along with the staff took an oath to safeguard the environment this Diwali. Cleaning of School premises was done by the NSS volunteers. School students even planted saplings in the school premises to spread the message of Green Diwali and an awareness rally was organised in the adjoining sectors to minimize cracker burning this Diwali. Competitions too were held on the theme of harit or green diwali. Diya making , rangoli making and poster making competitions were organised. What’s more, the school students also donated books, clothes, toys and eatables to needy children.
“School students have a major role to play in the green diwali campaign. We encouraged the students to spread the message to their parents, friends, neighbourhood and relatives to celebrate diwali in an environment friendly manner, so that the air quality does not deteriorate adversely post Diwali.” Said Loveleen Bedi, Principal.