3 August 2019

In its sixth Endovascular & Ultrasound-guided venous intervention course (EUVIC) held at Fortis Hospital, Mohali, it was attended by 50 doctors from India & world over to learn the latest varicose vein treatment “CLaCS;” i.e. Cryo-Laser and Cryo-Sclerotherapy. It further trained the doctors on other challenging techniques like High Intensity Forced Ultrasound (HIFU) and Microwave Venous treatment. The training – started on 1st August – was imparted by Dr Ravul Jindal, Director, Vascular Surgery, Fortis Hospital, Mohali ended today.
Dr. Ravul Jindal has specially trained in the latest varicose vein treatment ‘’CLaCS ‘’ in Brazil which he is doing nowadays at Fortis Hospital Mohali regularly. The EUVIC was organized at Fortis Hospital, Mohali in association with Venous Association of India (VAI) under the patronage of Vascular Society for Limb Salvage.
CLaCs (Cryo-Laser and Cryo-Sclerotherapy) is the procedure which is used to treat spider vein and reticular vein of the body. A special device is used that images veins nearly to 1.0 centimeter underneath the skin with infrared sensing to get augmented reality. The image later is sent back to the skin in the actual time. It helps to view feeder veins which cannot be seen with the naked eyes. More than 200 doctors were trained since the training was started 5 years ago. Dr Jindal was specially trained on ‘’CLaCS ‘’ in Brazil and is successfully performing at Fortis Hospital.
Some of the foreign delegates included Prof. Jean Francois and Dr. Jean Patrick Benigni who were from France; Dr Nick Morrison from USA, Dr Mark Whiteley from UK, Dr Wassila Taha from Egypt, Dr Sergio Gianesini from Italy and Dr Rene Milleret from France, Dr Avaro Orrengo D. from Chile, & Dr Pascal Filori from France.
“More than 30 Live Cases were operated with Hands-on training for all delegates to enhance understanding of venous ultrasound physics and instrumentation, venous lower extremity ultrasound evaluation and mapping for vein ablation procedures and to learn all about management of venous diseases. This course was intended to help Varicose Vein service providers, sonographers and other allied health care professionals,” said Dr Jindal.
Course highlights were vascular ultrasound theory and practical training on models and patients, USG guided puncture of IJV/Femoral Vein/ Popliteal Vein/ Femoral Artery/ Axillary Vein/ Long Saphenous Vein and Short Saphenous Vein, medical stockings and four- layers compression stockings, practical training of latest treatment of varicose veins with live demonstration of EVLT/RF/Foam Sclerotherapy, CLaCS, HIFU and Microwave.