21 January 2020

Fortis Hospital Mohali today organized an awareness programme on
‘ENT Diseases among Geriatrics’ for Mohali Senior Citizens Association members. The programme was addressed by Dr Ashok K Gupta, Director- Otorhinolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery & Dr Bela Jerath, Audiologist & Speech Therapist.
Dr Ashok Gupta threw light on normal aging process which is natural and varies with each individual & is irreversible. The audience was also made aware about various other diseases related to ear, nose and throat. They were told about sensory neural hearing loss which is developed with age. Hearing loss is one of the most important condition which affects old age patients, leaving them stressed and socially aloof.
Audience was also told about the management available for hearing loss in form of hearing aids & cochlear implants. Dr Bela Jerath shared information on importance of using hearing aids. She said that If used appropriately this technology can facilitate communication and help to maintain an independent lifestyle for many hearing-impaired people. She emphasized on the importance to select and appropriate hearing aid after identification of the individual’s precise hearing deficits’ after consultation with an audiologist. The audience was also made aware about Cochlear Implant Surgery in elderly who do not benefit with hearing aids.
The association members were also explained about the various changes in voice which develop over age. The importance of getting evaluated was also highlighted if any individual suffers from Dysphagia or voice change. Information was also created about various head & neck related tumours. Dr Gupta emphasized that in India elderly are respected, so each and every senior citizens has a right to live a quality life with all the possible medical facilities available. He also made people aware of the latest techniques like stem cell therapy.
The lecture was found to be very interactive and informative and the audience was all praise for this talk.