13 December 2017

Shoolini University in Solan, Himachal Pradesh has been accorded sanction to set up a 100-bed Naturopathy and Yogahospital with a grant of Rs 80 lakh by the central government.
Central Council for Research in a communication to the university has conveyed a financial assistance of Rs.80 lakh for establishment of 100 beddedhospital (Naturopathy and Yoga).The University also proposes to start a UGC approved five-year Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS) from the next academic session.
Vice Chancellor, Prof PK Khosla, informed, “Government of India had an initiative for re-establishing and practicing, and to increase the acceptability of Yoga and Naturopathy in today’s world and for betterment of mankind. In light of this, Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN), Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, New Delhi approved a Yoganada Medical School of Yoga and Naturopathy (100 bed hospital) at Shoolini University.”
This hundred-bed hospital, region’s first of its kind in a university, is being created within one year of time span to impart knowledge and practices of Yoga Sciences and meditation with the aid of naturopathic medications for health and wellbeing. The facility is inclusive of Yoga centre, bath centre, massage laboratory, diet centre, exercise/acupuncture centre, pathology, meditation hall and herbal garden.
The services would be available 24×7 for the people having complications and pathological disease like depression, brain problems, asthma, malnutrition, diabetes, obesity, heart problems, sexual issues, drug & alcoholic dependence and infectious diseases and their cure.
Shoolini strives in providing quality education, research skills and better job opportunities to make youth more knowledgeable and employable of the country. With the thought of Vice Chancellor, Prof PK Khosla, the university started a BSc Yoga program to build career in Yoga & meditation.