28 May 2019
Holidays have begun for children so does the fun & activities. To add to this fun, Brahma kumaris are organizing Om Shanti summer camp from 1st June to 5th June. It will be held at Peace Cottage Meditation Training Centre #268, 51-A, Chandigarh from 10 am-11 am.

Age limit for this summer camp is 8 years to 15 years. The activities will include improving concentration, creative meditation, overcoming examination fear, Parent Child relation, How to be happy.
Registration is compulsory for taking part in the summer camp. It has free admission for all. Children will be provided with daily refreshment also. There is a bonus for parents as well. There will be parallel meditation course for parents. Any parent can enroll for this course. Registration can be done at 0172-5073313 or 9501047259 till 31s May 2019.