July 14 2017

Pawan Kumar Bansal, former city MP, today appealed to the Chandigarh Administration to come up with kiosks for the street vendors of Sector 17.
During a discussion over the Sector 17 beautification agenda, at the UT Administrator’s Advisory Council meeting today, Bansal said these vendors are an integral part of the economy, hence must be supported by providing them neat and tidy kiosks. “We cannot make it an island of affluence”, he said.
“A lot of people visit Sector 17 with their children, some of them even come for skating, and they are looking for affordable eatables, which only street vendors can provide. Not everyone can afford going to food court, hence there is a need to provide them with hygienic place to function.”, he said.
Bansal during the discussion added, all big cities have provision for small vendors and same should be replicated in Chandigarh.