5 November 2017

Aryans Business School (ABS), Chandigarh organized All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) sponsored 14 days Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Role of Business Ethics” at its campus situated at Chd-Patiala Highway, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh.
In two week long program many renowned academicians interacted with the faculty of MBA, BBA, BCA, B.Com etc on various topics including Self Analysis And Awareness, Psychological Development:a prerequisites for ethical behavior, Effect of greed & power on work ethics, Business ethics in cyber space, An Insight to ethical and unethical behavior at work, Role of ethics in today’s business scenario, Business ethics tools to motivate other stakeholder, Behavioral ethics and teaching ethical decision making, Role of law in recognizing social and business responsibilities, Art of Living etc.
Many renowned Academicians and professionals including Dr. Gurdip Singh, HOD, UIET, PU; Kailash Didi, Brahm Kumaris, Chandigarh; Dr. A.K Vashishth, Ex- Chairman, UBS, PU, Chd; Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal, Entrepreneur; Col. Gursewak Singh, Author & speaker on behavioral sciences; Dr. T.L Kaushal, Ex- Director, L.R Institute of Management, Solan (HP); Dr. Pooja Jaiswal, Assistant Prof. Army Institute of Law, Mohali; Mr. Varun Upadhyay, International Trainer, Vyakti Vikas Kendra, Chandigarh; Dr. Parveen Kataria, Director General, Aryans Group & Gold Medalist, UBS,PU; Dr. Raman Rani Gupta, Director, Academics, Aryans College of Education etc interacted with the students in the program.
The speakers enlightened the students and staff with various Principles and codes of conduct to be adopted in an organization such as ethics, safety, health and environment, quality, conflicts of interest, antitrust and fraud. They laid stress on Day Management, Personal Time Management Styles and Communication, Personal Time Management Styles and Communication, Managing Workplace Stress through Behavior and Communication etc.