21 July 2019

Earth Science Centre (ESC), in association with Save the Himalayas Foundation (SHF) and Walkaround India, celebrated Geo Heritage Day at Govt Museum, Chandigarh and organized a Geo Heritage Walk to create awareness about the need to protect geo heritage sites.
Dr Ritesh Arya, Geo Heritage Expert and founder of ESC, Himachal Pradesh, said, “4.6 billion years of Geoheritage of the earth’s History and its creatures is well preserved in the rocks. Chance discovery of these rocks leads to better understanding of our geological past, it’s environment and paleo climatic conditions prevalent at the time of its existence at that point of time.”
Narvijay Yadav, General Secretary, SHF – Chandigarh Chapter, said, ‘Geological features created by volcanism, meteoritic impact and elevation of Himalayas due to tectonic collision, climatic changes in nature and its impact in shaping the evolution and extinction of spices since its birth are all documented in the rocks . These sites once discovered and developed need to be preserved and protected so that the geoheritage information can be passed on to the future generations.”
Mr PC Sharma, Officer Incharge, Govt Museum & Art Gallery, Chandigarh explained about the precious rocks displayed at the Govt Museum. Dr Avita Khawas, Director, Walkaround India, guided the children at the museum.
Dr Arya, Guinness World Record holder for drilling highest borewell in the world, further said, ‘But geoheritage and its preservation has been a neglected feature in the conservation landscape of India.In India, there is little realization of the significance of our geological heritage outside academia and the GSI. There is a need to develop and conserve these geological identities recognizing and understanding the scientific value of the features and landforms. Today in absence of any law for the protection of the geoheritage sites the valuable information contained in them is lost. Fossil sites mineral sites tectonic sites geomorhpolocal sites once discovered and not noted or preserved by the authorities are lost to the construction activities of building.’
Also present on the occasion were, Amit Sharma, the ‘walking man’ who walks 50,000 steps everyday, Satvinder Pal Singh, geo tourist and children from Vivek High School.